Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ramadhan Al Mubarak 2010

Allhamdulilah, Ramadan Al Mubarak has arrived again this year. Every Year, ATFAL
encourage our young caliph (esp 5 & 6 years) to fast. With the kind encouragement, awareness and reward, help young caliph to practise fast during class and Allhamdulilah some were doing full time fasting.

They were still active during the class as usual, To avoid thinking of food, during break time we read Dzikir and surah hafazan. Also teacher to replace the playground session with reading books and Prophet Story telling. They were excited to hear stories of the prophet.

At the end of the class teacher praised whom fasting and encourage whom are not
At same time Teacher give sticker reward for whom practise fasting. Teacher said that Allah swt will give special reward to whom those fasting on Ramadan.

Students are not fasting will be isolate from the "fasting" group and will conduct a normal activities. Thus give them encouragement to join the bigger group (fasting's group).

Every Year teacher created Ramadhan Chart, this year the Ramdhan chart are more cheerful and beautiful. The Ramadan Chart is mainly to track numbers of fasting days completed by ATFAL's students, Allhamdulilah this year with the awareness and guidance by teachers, student showing tendency to practise fasting. This is a good jump start for young khalifah, to practise fasting at this early age teach them the idea of the Ramadan not just to avoid eating but also to practise good deed.

Allhamdulillah, young khalifah find themselves compete each another to collect the most stickers, and this will be reward as "duit raya" before Raya break. :-)

ATFAL also encourage parents to create a simple Ramadan chart @ home to encourage their son/daughter to learn fasting.

Allhamdulilah, with teacher's help and encouragement make the fasting day is fun and interesting journey. Insy'Allah this month of Ramadan will help young khalifah to remember who less fortunate and to learn thankfulness of what given by Allah swt.

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